Contributions in Archaeology

William E. Moore (1990)

The Derrick Adams Site (41WA100), a Late Prehistoric Site in Walker County, Texas.  Brazos Valley Research Associates, Contributions in Archeology, No. 1. (With Linda Wootan Ellis and John E. Dockall) In Journal of the Houston Archeological Society 96:11-14.

Moore, William E. (2006)

An Archaeological Overview of Work Conducted in Frio County, Southern Texas.  Brazos Valley Research Associates, Contributions in Archaeology, No. 2. In La Tierra 33(1-2):101-108.

Moore, William E. (2012)

A Report on Four Sites in Madison County, Texas (41MA27 – 41MA30). Brazos Valley Research Associates, Contributions in Archaeology, No. 3. Privately published.

Moore, William E. (2015)

An Index to the Houston Archeological Society Newsletters and Journals: 1959-2015. Brazos Valley Research Associates, Contributions in Archaeology No. 4. Journal of the Houston Archeological Society ______.