
These photos represent the entire collection in my possession. Those photographed by Tanner Singleton are not to scale.

Specimen “a” is probably a variation of the Kent type. Specimen “b” resembles Kent, but the concave base is problematic. Specimen “c” is a Kent (surface find), and specimen “d” is probably a Gary. This collection, except for the Holly Fine Engraved sherd, is housed at BVRA. The sherd is curated at TARL. Photography by Tanner Singleton.
These are classic Gary points. Specimen “b” has cortex on the base and may best be described as Gary/Kent. Photography by Tanner Singleton.

Gary points

Gary/Kent points. Specimen “e” has cortex on its base, a characteristic of the Kent type. Photography by Tanner Singleton.
Probable Kent points. Specimens”c-e” appear to have reworked blades. Photography by Tanner Singleton.
Gary/Kent points. Photography by Tanner Singleton.
Gary/Kent points. Specimen “c” can’t be positively identified because of the missing sum. Specimen “d” has cortex on the stem and is probably a Kent point. Photography by Tanner Singleton.

GaryKent points. Specimen “a” may have been reworked at the blade for it to serve a different purpose such as cutting. Specimen “f” has a reworked blade. Photography by Tanner Singleton.
Gary/Kent points. Specimens “c-e” appear to have reworked blades. Photography by Tanner Singleton.
Gary points. Specimen “d” may be a Kent. Photography by Tanner Singleton.
Gary/Kent points. Photography by Tanner Singleton.
Specimen “a” is a possible Big Sandy (surface find). Specimens “b-c” type unknown. Specimen “d” probable Gary. Photography by Tanner Singleton.
Gary/Kent. Point fragments. Specimen “c” is probably a Kent with a reworked blade. Photography by Tanner Singleton.
Catahoula arrow points. Photography by Tanner Singleton.
First three are Catahoula points. Last two not classified. Photography by Tanner Singleton.
Center specimen appears to be a heavily reworked Catahoula arrow point, and the last three are probably Catahoula points. Photography by Tanner Singleton.
Catahoula arrow points. Photography by Tanner Singleton.
Drills/perforators. Photography by Tanner Singleton.
Snub-nosed scraper, probably made from a projectile point.
(a) Goose Creek plain body sherd. (b) plain grog-tempered rim sherd. Analyzed by Timothy K. Perttula. Photography by Brian Wootan.
Plain grog-tempered body sherds. Analyzed by Timothy K. Perttula. Photography by Brian Wootan.

Holly Fine Engraved rim sherd (Caddoan). Analyzed by Dee Ann Story. Not to scale.