The usefulness of bibliographies was brought home to me during graduate school at Texas A&M University and my first full-time job for Heartfield, Price & Greene, Inc. where my primary duties were research and report writing. I realize that a bibliography, no matter how comprehensive, will be outdated as soon as another source appears. However, the effort expended to locate out of print and otherwise hard to find sources is most worthwhile because it prevents future researchers from having to go through what I did. Most of the sources appearing today are readily available.
William E. Moore and Roger G. Moore
An Annotated Bibliography of Texas Related Articles in the Plains Anthropologist (1947‑1981). La Tierra 9(1):24‑38.
William E. Moore and Roger G. Moore
Historical Archaeology in Texas: A Bibliography. Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio, Guidebooks in Archaeology, Number 2.
Moore, William E.
A Bibliography of Archaeological Reports Prepared by the Department of Anthropology, Texas A&M University. Brazos Valley Research Associates, Bibliographies in Archaeology, Number 1. [1st Edition]
William E. Moore
A Bibliography of Archaeological Reports Prepared by the Contract Laboratory, Texas A&M University. BVRA, Bibliographies in Archaeology, Number 1. [2nd edition]
William E. Moore
Archeological Bibliography for the Southeastern Region of Texas. Office of the State Archeologist, Texas Historical Commission, Special Report 31.
1971-1987: A Bibliography. Texas Archeological Research Laboratory, The University of Texas at Austin, Technical Series 34 & BVRA Bibliographies in Archaeology Number 4.
Helen Simons and William E. Moore
Archeological Bibliography for the Central Region of Texas. Office of the State Archeologist, Texas Historical Commission, Special Report 36.