On the Sanborn Fire insurance map dated 1950 (Sheet 4), there is a one-story reinforced concrete jail in the public square next to the courthouse. This is the only Sanborn map that was available for Bandera at the time of this study. Therefore, no estimate as to date of construction or length of use can be made at this time. This jail appears to be larger than the typical calaboose but it is included here in case later information helps put it in that category.
According to Ed Blackburn, Jr. (2006:29), the first jail in the county was located on the current site of the Bandera County Library. It was 14 ft. on each side and made of Cypress timbers that were 6 in. square. There was one small window at the top but no door. Entry was through a trap door on the roof. There was an iron ring bolted to the floor that was used for unruly prisoners.
Bandera 1950