Sealy, TX calaboose
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Today, Rhonda K. Holley accompanied me to Sealy, Texas (Austin County) to document a small calaboose. We found it to be one of the more interesting of those visited so far – and they are all interesting. It was the construction methods that intrigued us. The boards that create the floor were measured at 1 x 12 inches (probably 1 inch thick). It consists of two rooms. The front room was for the guard and other officials and the cell was behind a very thick wooden wall and door that is four boards thick. The floor and walls of the cell were once covered with thin sheet metal but only the floor and some on the walls remain. There is a large metal ring in the middle of the floor that could have been used to chain the most unruly prisoners. The original calaboose was built in 1884 but it burned and the town rebuilt it in 1887 using much of the same lumber. The inside of the cell is only 7.5 x 9.4 feet. More information will be posted on the website at a later date.