New contacts (06-30-15)

Today, I decided to call some of the towns with interesting jails or calabooses and see if I could get a picture for the website.  These are towns that I may not visit for some time and I can’t use the internet photos without permission.  So far, I have been successful in getting promises of photos and information on the jails in Gail, Marathon, Seymour, and Van Horn.  Perhaps the most exciting contacts was Crystal Graham in Goree (Knox County) and Lisa Mahler in Gail (Borden County).  I had called Crystal at city hall to get a phone number for Seymour and she told me about their calaboose.  Lisa sent a wonderful historic photo of the jail in Gail. More photos will be posted on the website soon.


BC JAIL 1896 copy

Gail calaboose in 1896