Nacogdoches County



I was told about this cage by someone who read one of my Facebook posts about my forthcoming book on tiny Texas jails.  This person lives in South Texas and has no photos to share.  Darryl Pearson did a search on Google Earth and sent me these images.  Supposedly, it has two cells.  The door at the end is not a common feature with these metal cages and is only the second one like it that I have documented.  The other is in Walburg.  I don’t know if there is a door at the other end.  The Walburg cage has only one door.  A photo of the cage in Walburg is attached for comparison.  The walls are similar to the one in Chireno, but they have been covered with modern tin to keep out rain as this cage was being used for storage.

Walburg (Williamson County)