The jails and calabooses I visited are being added to my website and they should all be posted in a day or so.
latest calaboose quest (09-22-15)
Last week, I set out to record two calabooses and a metal cage in the area around Graham, Texas (Young County). It was a very eventful trip as I not only visited and documented calabooses in Rochester (Haskell County), Goree (Knox County), and a metal cage that had been moved from Albany to Knox City (Knox County), I also discovered two calabooses that were unknown to me at the time. They are a metal cage inside a very small room that is part of City Hall in Rochester and a stone calaboose in Jayton (Kent County). In addition, I visited two jails that I had not realized were within driving distance of my hotel in Graham. These are the wonderful sandstone jail in the ghost town of Claremont (Kent County) and a very nice rock jail in poor condition in Appermont (Stonewall County). I also documented several suspicious structures and a most unusual concrete structure that was a gift to the town by the Demosthenean Literary Society in 1922. This is a very old organization that is still active.