Darryl Pearson visited this calaboose today and found it to be behind a fence and locked gate. He hopes to return to see the interior and take measurements. The above photo is believed to have been taken in the 1950s or 1960s.
Front View
This calaboose is privately owned and has been used for other purposes since it was no longer a functioning jail. Based on the historic photo above, it seems obvious that the current door was added later. No windows are visible, but there may have been one at the back in the area that appears to have been altered. Three of the walls extend above the roof. I have not yet discovered the purpose for this but others on this website are similar. The calaboose in Chillicothe (Hardeman County) is a good example. This calaboose is not included in my book titled The Texas Calaboose and Other Forgotten Jails by Texas A&M University Press (2019).
View of Roof
Back and One Side