Knox County



The calaboose in Goree, Texas is the only one of three brick calabooses on this website with two cells side by side.  The others are in D’Hanis (Medina County) and East Bernard (Wharton County).  The walls extend about one foot above the ceiling, and that is another feature that appears to be not common as well.  Other examples are the concrete calabooses in Chillicothe (Hardeman County) and Hubbard City (Hill County).  The doors are solid steel except for two small windows with bars.  The only other windows are also very small and are on the back wall and centered behind each cell.  The doors have been welded shut to keep out vandals and for safety.  The building rests on a concrete slab.  The dates associated with this calaboose are not known at the time.  It is believed to be owned by the county.  The pictures were provided courtesy of Crystal Graham, a worker at City Hall in Goree.  There is no published list of Texas calabooses.  This is one that was located by chance.  I was talking to Ms Grahm in order to get a phone number for another town.  While on the phone, I asked if she knew of any tiny jails and she informed of the one in Goree.  Finding one this way is special. This calaboose conforms to Floor Plan 2a (see Floor Plans).  It has been recorded at TARL as 41KX114.


Corner View


Back of Calaboose


Detail of Doors