Goliad County




Interior View of wall construction and window

This small wooden calaboose is located  in downtown Weesatche.  The exact date of its construction is not known, and I was unable to find a Sanborn Fire Insurance Map for the town of Weesatche. The walls are made from planed boards and attached using the board and batten method. The hardware on the door appears to be original, and the door itself probably is. Some recent restoration is obvious due to the replacement of newer type screws holding the hinges and part of the locking assembly. The roof is covered with wooden shingles over a wooden framework.   This building was used mainly as a place to lock up drunks on Saturday night, and this task was carried out by the local Constable or Sheriff.  I am grateful to Larry Riemenschneider for telling me about this interesting historic structure and to Darryl Pearson for allowing me to use his photographs. This calaboose conforms to Floor Plan 1a (see Floor Plans).

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