Crosby County


Lorenzo 1 Border

This calaboose was moved from its original location to the old Vocational Agriculture Farm.  Local Benny Poulson stated that it was constructed sometime in the 1930s and was made with 2 x 4 inch boards laid flat on top of one another and the exterior was covered with tin.  He believes that the tin that is present today is original to the structure.  The floor is also wood.  It is 10 x 12 feet in size (120 square feet).  His father was alive when the calaboose was receiving prisoners, and he told Benny that very few people were locked up there during that time.  The roof has a distinct pitch from front to back and the windows (one on each side) are long and narrow.  This calaboose conforms to Floor Plan 1a (see Floor Plans). It has been recorded at TARL as historic site 41CB153.  I did not visit this calaboose, and  it is not included in my book The Texas Calaboose and Other Forgotten Jails.

photo copy

Interior View