Comfort Calaboose (07-06-15)

Earlier this year, I discussed the possibility of a calaboose in Comfort, Texas (Kendall County) with a lady who supposedly is the local historian and knows a lot about the town.  She categorically denied the presence of a jail in town citing that (paraphrased here) crime was never a problem in Comfort (guess that is why the town is named Comfort).  I called her because a lady wrote to my website and asked if I had any interior pictures of the old calaboose about 1.5 blocks from her house.  Another reader referred to it as well and wondered why I had not seen it.

Darryl Pearson found it on Google Earth and went there and took pictures of the non-existent calaboose.  I plan to go there as well.  I will add this one to the website later with what information I can obtain at this time.
