Tomorrow, Rhonda K. Holley is going with me to Zapata to help with an archaeological project I have in that town. While there, we plan to visit Roma where there should be two tiny jails and on the way back we will stop at Moore and record the calaboose there. While on this trip, we will check out as many small towns as possible for more jails.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
More additions (07-08-16)
Today, I added information from Blackburn’s book “Wanted: Historic County Jails of Texas” to the website under Vanished. Those added were for Archer, Armstrong, and Bandera counties.
New additions to website (07-07-15)
I am going through Ed Blackburn, Jr.’s book “Wanted: Historic County Jails of Texas” and looking for references to vanished calabooses. So far, I have found quite a few. In a few hours, I will have added information for Austin, Bailey, Bastrop, Bee, Bell, and Brewster counties. There will not always be Sanborn maps to check against the statements in his book but he does cite his sources. Some of the jails described by Blackburn were two-story buildings that do not fit my initial definition of a calaboose but they are included because they are reported to be the first in the counties and they were unusual in their construction.
Comfort Calaboose (07-06-15)
Charles Fiedler wrote me earlier about the calaboose in Comfort. Today, he was there and took some pictures and shared some interesting information. His cousin, Louis Faust who is 82, grew up in Comfort and he vividly remembers individuals being locked up for the night in this calaboose. Pictures and more information will be posted on the website when a page for Kendall County is created.
Comfort Calaboose (07-06-15)
Darryl Pearson found it on Google Earth and went there and took pictures of the non-existent calaboose. I plan to go there as well. I will add this one to the website later with what information I can obtain at this time.
Marlin Calaboose (07-05-15)
Marquez Calaboose (07-04-15)
Comfort Calaboose (02-04-15)
Darryl who previously reported on the smokehouse in Comfort found the calaboose that I have been trying to locate. He saw it on Google Earth and he said that the doors with bars were clearly visible. He plans to visit it soon and take pictures. I will be happy to see them. I lived in Comfort when I was a High School teacher and never saw it. Although I was not looking for jails. I was fascinated by the German architecture and I certainly would have found the small calaboose interesting.
Comfort Smokehouse Jail (07-03-15)
New contacts (06-30-15)
Gail calaboose in 1896