This interesting building is on the upper floor of old the Fayetteville courthouse. If it were outside it would definitely be a calaboose. I am debating whether or not to categorize it as a calaboose or place it in the “Other Jails” part of this website.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Cage in Tyler, Texas
New information (04-02-16)
Possible Calaboose in Granger (03-21-16)
Calaboose in Post, Texas (03-18-16)
Calaboose in Post, Texas (03-15-16)
Last year, a reader of my website sent me a picture of a calaboose in Post, Texas (Garza County) near Lubbock. Today, Lindi Lawson stopped there on her way to Lubbock and took some photos for me. As soon as I have a page for Garza County I will post what I know about it. This is the only one so far that has a front facade like this. Eager to see the inside.
Flatonia Calaboose (03-08-16)
Earlier, I believed that the calabooses on the Sanborn maps for Flatonia (Fayette County) were not the same as the one that is located today in the city park. Recent evidence appears to have proven me wrong. Therefore, the calabooses in Flationia that appeared under my “Vanished” menu have been deleted.
Distribution of Texas calabooses (03-03-16)
Recent Calaboose trip (02-20-16)
Rhonda Holley accompanied me on a trip to five counties where we documented three calabooses and two cages or cells. The calabooses are in Moore (Frio County), Quemado (Maverick County), and Comfort (Kendall County). Both of the cages are in La Pryor (Zavala County) but one was moved there from Crystal City (Zavala County).
Calaboose that serves burgers (02-08-16)
I found this picture on the Internet. This building is located in Cleburne (Johnson County) was was next to the old county jail that is now gone. I think it was a calaboose and the local historian is looking into it for me. I plan to go there later this month.