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Ann Guandago wrote me about someone who spent time in the Somerville calaboose. This information has been posted.
Possible jail in Lott, Texas
Burlington Calaboose saved (05-25-16)
Hico (05-12-16)
On Monday, I visited Hico and documented a very interesting jail that is too big to conform to my calaboose definition. Also, saw a nice metal cage in the Billy the Kid Museum. Some pictures posted and am working on the text.
Daingerfield not a calaboose (05-02-16)
I found out that the small brick building attached to the two-story jail in Dangerfield (Morris County) was built as an office. Still good to document the jail and I hope to get some historic photos. A piece of good luck involving Hughes Springs. There is a picture of the calaboose that used to stand near the RR track and a nice lady is going to send it to me tomorrow.
Calaboose trip (04-29-16)
I returned last night from documenting several calabooses. Information will be posted for one in Mineola (Wood County), Linden (Cass County), Dangerfield (Morris County), Emory (Wood County), and Hughes Springs (Cass County).
Cleburne Calaboose (04-26-16)
Calaboose day trip (04-25-16)
Today, I met with Audrey Rother at the local museum in McDade, Texas. She showed me the key to the old calaboose that is no longer standing. She also showed me a picture of the calaboose that used to be in nearby Paige. I will be discussing these under Calabooses (Vanished) later.
Calabooses in McDade and Paige (04-24-16)
Another stroke of luck. As I was going through old folders and organizing my calaboose letters and other papers I ran across a brochure about historic McDade in Bastrop County. I called one of the members of the historical society and was told that there was a calaboose in McDade and Paige. Thanks to Audrey Rother for her help.