Author Archives: Bill
Latest Calaboose hunt (09-11-15)
Barksdale calaboose (09-03-15)
Floyd Collins is a life-long resident of the neighboring community of Camp Wood and the only use for this building that he remembers is being told it was an icehouse connected to the old Wallace Grocery Store.
The building is on land owned by Lisa Whittley de Aguilar’s Grandmother. Her father told her that it is the remains of an old hotel. The two larger rooms were bedrooms and the smaller one was a bath. Lisa also said it was part of a dancehall and a saloon that was once two stories, but her grandpa took off the top floor.
This building has been removed as a calaboose and is now regarded as a suspicious structure. I greatly appreciate Ms Scroggins for taking time to share with me what she was told.
Suspicious structure in Barksdale, Texas
Seadrift Calaboose (08-29-15)
Jess Reed sent me photos and measurements for calabooses in Seadrift and Port O’Conner, both in Calhoun County on the coast. I really appreciate the help I am receiving from readers of my website or the article I wrote for the Texas Co-op Power magazine a few months ago. Darryl Pearson also provided information for these same calabooses when he was in the area.
Cages to Calabooses (08-24-15)
Bremond Calaboose (08-23-15)
On his way to Hearne, he stopped in Franklin and was told about a metal cage in Boone Prairie that had been moved from its original location in Bremond (Robertson County). It is another good one. More information and pictures will be posted on this website later.
Marion Calaboose (08-20-15)
Lyons Calaboose (08-16-15)
Aspermont jails (08-13-15)
jail still standing
Calaboose in Collinsville (08-12-15)
My one page calaboose article in Texas Co-op a few months ago has paid huge dividends. I have received several leads to new calabooses. Today the Editor of the magazine sent me a letter from Doug Schafer in Plano who mentions a brick calaboose in Collinsville. I am checking on this but I think it is the same one I saw in Tioga. He refers to Clarks BBQ being nearby and I’m positive that is where I had lunch.
Also today, I received my issue of the Medallion published by the Texas Historical Commission. On the back cover they mentioned the names of those who correctly guessed the mystery building as the calaboose in LaGrange. They also gave my website link. Hopefully, more leads will come my way.