A small one-story wood calaboose is depicted on the Sanborn maps dated 1900 (Sheet 1) in Rockport, Texas. It was located at 110 North Street in city block 3 next to a chemical engineering office and meat market. In 1906 (Sheet 1) it was still there but the adjacent building had been converted into a Mexican public school on the first floor and City Hall on the second floor. It was still there in 1914 (Sheet 2) but City Hall was gone and a brick courthouse and two-story brick county jail were on block 17. In 1894, there was a one-story wooden building in the same location as the calaboose in 1900. It appears to be the same size and may be a building that was converted into a calaboose or the surveyors failed to label it as a calaboose.
Rockport 1900