Monthly Archives: October 2015
Linden calaboose (10-27-15)
Emily Henderson is the Executive Director of the Linden Economic Development Corporation and she sent me photos of the calaboose in her town (Cass County). I really appreciate what others have done to help me with my project. Additional pictures are on my website and more information to come regarding its size, etc.
Talk on Calabooses (10-23-15)
I will be giving a talk to the Grapevine, Texas Historical Society on Monday (October 26) about my calaboose research. It will be at the Grapevine public library at 7:00 p.m. and last one hour. I will be glad to remain after for questions.
Calaboose Veteran
Hidalgo County jail (10-21-15)
Linden calaboose (10-16-15)
It is really special when readers of my website write and offer information. Sue Larza is a resident of Linden and she wrote today and shared information about jails in her town. She mentioned a metal cage that dates to 1855 as well as discussing the brick building that I believe is a calaboose. The metal cage reference is the first mention of one in Cass County. Thanks Sue.
Barksdale Calaboose
Rhonda Holley and I found this interesting building in Barksdale (Edwards County). At first glance, I knew it had to be a calaboose. Upon closer inspection, I was not sure because it was different than any others I have seen. When I talked to Pat Rogers, a resident of Camp Wood and employee of the local Chamber of Commerce, she did not think it could have been a jail. Today, she sent email saying that it was “with a Sheriff and all.” One never knows. This photo is on the website and more information will be added later.