Monthly Archives: July 2015

Marquez Calaboose (07-04-15)

Today, I went to an artist’s workshop east of Jewett in Leon County to pick up a metal sculpture that I had commissioned him to create for me.  Rhonda K. Holley took her truck because it would not fit in my car and her mom, Donna Smith, accompanied us.  We had planned to eat at a local cafe in Marquez where they make good burgers, chicken fried steaks, and onion rings.  It was closed so we headed to Jewett.  Rhonda noticed some buildings across the highway and commented that she did not think we had look for calabooses there before.  We drove around town when I spied a small wooden building that was the right size but in very poor condition.  Her mother was the first to notice bars in the window on the far side.  Next door, a lady in the yard said that is indeed the old jail and that the city had plans to fix it up. We took lots of pictures and we plan to return to take measurements and hopefully talk to someone in town who has information about it.  It appears to be one of the smallest that we have found so far.  Additional pictures and a description of this jail can be found under the tab Calabooses on this website under Leon County.




Comfort Calaboose (02-04-15)

Darryl who previously reported on the smokehouse in Comfort found the calaboose that I have been trying to locate.  He saw it on Google Earth and he said that the doors with bars were clearly visible.  He plans to visit it soon and take pictures.  I will be happy to see them.  I lived in Comfort when I was a High School teacher and never saw it.  Although I was not looking for jails. I was fascinated by the German architecture and I certainly would have found the small calaboose interesting.

Comfort Smokehouse Jail (07-03-15)

Darryl is one of the followers of my website.  He was in Comfort (Kendell County) on july 2nd. A resident of Comfort told him about an old saloon next to the Karger Building where rowdy behavior was common.  At the time, the sheriff did not have a regular jail so he put prisoners in  a smokehouse for the night, when it was not in use (see photo below).  Thanks Darryl.

