Calaboose in Gail, Texas
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I have been hired to conduct an archaeological investigation in Scurry County near Snyder, Texas. During my conversations with locals about access to the project area and other things related to the project I learned of a calaboose in Gail, the county seat of Borden County. The county and county seat were named for Gail Borden, the inventor of condensed milk. I went to images for Gail and found a picture of the jail and it fits my definition of a calaboose. I called the courthouse and talked with a secretary who promptly told me that it had not been used as a jail in a very long time. I explained that it did not matter when it was used last. It was a calaboose and I want to document it. She is going to take some pictures for me and I hope to make a road trip there soon. Apparently, it was one of the earlier county jails. She said there were metal cells or cages inside.